Dungeons and dragons 5th edition dmg materials
Dungeons and dragons 5th edition dmg materials

dungeons and dragons 5th edition dmg materials

MithralĬan be any Medium or Heavy armor, but not hide. The adamantine version of a suit of armor, or a melee weapon or of ten pieces of ammunition costs 500 gp more than the normal version, whether the weapon or ammunition is made of the metal or coated with it. Whenever an adamantine weapon or piece of ammunition hits an object, the hit is a critical hit. Melee weapons and ammunition made of or coated with adamantine are unusually effective when used to break objects.

dungeons and dragons 5th edition dmg materials

While you’re wearing it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. This is one of the hardest substances in existance.Ĭan be any Medium or heavy armor, but not hide. If already damaged, the armor is destroyed instead. If you are wearing fragile armor and are hit with a critical hit, you must make a DC(10) Dexterity (Acrobatics) save or the armor is damaged and the AC bonus it provides is halved. If already damaged, the weapon is destroyed instead.Īrmor with the fragile property falls apart when hit with heavy blows. If you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll with a fragile weapon, you must then make a DC(10) Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) save or that weapon is damaged and only does half damage after that. The Fragile Propertyįragile weapons cannot take the beating that sturdier weapons can. Some of these materials grant the item the fragile property – a property that can be applied to both weapons and armor. In other areas more advanced materials such as Adamantine or Mithral might be available. In primitive areas, steel may not be available. The metal weapons and armor in the PHB are assumed to be steel. Here are some house rules you may want to use. If your campaign includes primitive lands, you might need rules for stone or bone. After a tumultuous history fighting dragons that attacked and looted the city, the superstitious citizens of Soldra make an annual offering to appease the dragon god, Bahamut.With the exception of Adamantine armor and weapons, and Mithral armor, fifth edition does not (yet) have any official rules for weapons and armor made from other non-standard materials. Soldra is a beautiful, ancient city, flanked by sea and mountain and lit by the sun as if blessed by the gods themselves. Did a Marquis di Maschera party simply get out of hand, or does a real danger threaten the inhabitants of Ibrido? A Chance Encounter A pay-what-you-want adventure for level 1, by Kristjan Matthiasson.Ī classic adventure designed for a group of 3-4 characters of level 1-and the first adventure in a miniseries! The Executioner’s Daughter A pay-what-you-want solo adventure, by Ashley Warren. When a strange, hybrid creature-half bird, half man-is found brutally murdered in Ibrido’s city square, tattooed with the Marquis’s signature symbol of two masks, rumors have begun to spread throughout Ibrido that something more sinister may be occurring.


The characters discover that the Jade Lion has gone missing near Skyhorn Lighthouse and learn they must brave the open seas and cutthroat enemies in order to save the crew from a murky fate! A Night of Masks and Monsters A free adventure for level 3, by Ashley Warren. Rumors of a rampaging sea monster have ground shipping traffic to a halt in the harbor. Start your own duet campaign! Teleport your way out of the confines of a castle to an ancient mountainside cavern with a secret waiting just for you… The Secrets of Skyhorn Lighthouse A free adventure for level 5, by Kelsey Dionne.

dungeons and dragons 5th edition dmg materials

First Blush A pay-what-you-want, 1-on-1 adventure by Jonathan Ball and Beth Ball. Soon they are dragged into a magical grudge match that will test their strength, courage and willingness to endure extremely baa’d puns.

dungeons and dragons 5th edition dmg materials

Free Content The Wild Sheep Chase A free, single-session adventure by Winghorn Press/Richard Jansen-Parkes.Īdventure, danger and a decent dose of downright weirdness erupt when the party’s attempt to grab a rare afternoon of downtime is interrupted by a frantic sheep equipped with a Scroll of Speak to Animals.

Dungeons and dragons 5th edition dmg materials